From the Lobbying Team at 1816 Public Affairs Group:

昨天标志着2022年全国人大会议第二周的结束. 参众两院在星期一、星期二、星期三和星期四开会. 

印第安纳波利斯在整个周末和周一都充满了活动,因为大学橄榄球全国锦标赛, 和 that energy bled over into a busy week at the statehouse. The legislature held 36 committee hearings, Governor Holcomb gave the State of the State Address, 和 Chief Justice Rush gave the State of the Judiciary.

我们希望在接下来的比赛中继续保持这种快节奏和活力, especially given that first half deadlines (Jan. 31 & 2月. 已经在眼前了.


Several bills continued to move through the process this week. The House considered 60 bills in committee 和 the Senate considered 59.

Among the bills that moved on the House floor this week were:

  • HB 1004惩教部(90-3)
  • HB 1077枪械事宜(63-29)
  • HB 1094 Career 和 Technical Education (88-0)
  • HB 1147种子试验(85-1)

Among the bills that moved on the Senate floor this week was:

  • SB 95 Coverage for Living Organ Donors (45-1)


Both chambers will be quite busy during session next week. 众议院和参议院都不会在星期一举行会议,以纪念马丁·路德·金. holiday – but once they return to the statehouse on Tuesday, there will be non-stop activity until Thursday evening.


Among the bills on the Senate floor calendar next week are:

  • SB 1 Automatic Taxpayer Refund (2nd reading)
  • SB 3 Administrative Authority (2nd reading)
  • sb85排水专责小组(二读)
  • SB 136 Dental Plans 和 Access to Dental Networks (2nd reading)
  • SB 268 Colorectal Cancer Screening Coverage (2nd reading)
  • SB 298 Certificates of Public Advantage (2nd reading)
  • SB 124机动车营运 & 转向灯(三读)
  • SB 129种子测试(三读)

Among the bills on the House floor calendar next week are:

  • HB 1001行政机关 & COVID-19免疫接种(三读)
  • HB 1093教育事宜(三读)
  • HB 1111 Utility Regulatory Commission Reporting 和 Rules (3rd reading)

下周将是众议院和参议院委员会听证会繁忙的一周, 和 several key bills are likely to move.

Among the bills to be heard in House committees next week are:

  • HB 1173 Various Elections Matters (Elections – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1238 Insurance Matters (Insurance – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1021 Horse Racing Veterinarians (Agriculture – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1149 十博体育链接 Based Vendors (Agriculture – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1226 Solid Waste Matters (Environmental Affairs – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1298 Sales 和 Sampling at Farmers Markets (Pub. 政策-一月. 18)
  • HB 1299 Permit Transfers 和 Tax Hold Extensions (Pub. 政策-一月. 18)
  • HB 1209 Carbon Sequestration Projects (Natural 资源 – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1249 Carbon Sequestration Pilot Project (Natural 资源 – Jan. 18)
  • HB 1106 Eminent Domain (Local Government – Jan. 19)

Among the bills to be heard in Senate committees next week are:

  • SB 7 Marion County Crime Reduction Pilot (Corrections – Jan. 18)
  • SB 10 Marion County Violent Crime Reduction Pilot (Corrections – Jan. 18)
  • SB 4 Local Workforce Recruiting 和 Retention (Tax – Jan. 18)
  • SB 111 Equine Dentistry (Agriculture – Jan. 18)
  • SB 388外商经营农业用地所有权(农业- 1月. 18)
  • SB 328选举(选举- 1月28日. 18)
  • SB 71 Absentee Voting for the Elderly 和 Disabled (Elections – Jan. 18)
  • SB 380 Education Policy Committee (Education – Jan. 19)
  • SB 343 Agritourism Activities (Judiciary – Jan. 19)
  • SB 14枪械事宜(司法- 1月. 19)
  • SB 245 Statewide Sports 和 Tourism Bid Fund (Appropriations – Jan. 20)
  • SB 176用于风能和太阳能的农业用地(公用事业- 1月. 20)
  • SB 271 Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (Utilities – Jan. 20)
  • SB 146 Attachments to Electric Distribution Poles (Utilities – Jan. 20)

我们将继续向您通报州议会大厦的最新进展. Please reach out with any questions or thoughts.



On Monday, January 10, both the Senate 和 House Ag Committees met. ACI主席艾米·康奈尔在委员会中支持了几项法案:

  • SB 129(种子试验) 和 HB 1147(种子试验) allow for seed lab fees to no longer undercut industry, eliminate a separate category of <1lb agricultural seed packages 和 set microorganism rulemaking authority. The bills moved out of committee 8-0 和 12-0 respectively.
  • SB 177(兽医) 和 hb1148(兽医学) 创建印第安纳州动物政策中心(ICAP),作为将动物卫生委员会和兽医委员会联合起来的保护伞. The bills moved out of committee 7-0 和 12-0 respectively.

Later that morning the Senate Natural 资源 Committee also heard SB 85(排水专责小组). The proposed legislation would establish a drainage task force to:  (1) review the responsibilities of l和owners 和 state 和 local authorities under current laws relating to the drainage of l和; (2) make certain determinations concerning drainage 和 regulatory matters; 和 (3) determine whether a balance between state authority 和 local authority over draining of agricultural l和 favors state authority more in Indiana than in neighboring states. ACI President, Amy Cornell, testified in support of the bill. 在委员会对扩大特别工作组进行了小小的变动后,该法案以6比0的比例通过了委员会.

State of the State Recap from 1816 Public Affairs Group:

Tonight, Governor Holcomb delivered the 2022 State of the State address. 总督利用这个机会提供了一份全面的进度报告, 庆祝成就,寻找机会,通过加强经济来提高所有印第安纳人的生活质量, 重新培训员工, 和 exp和ing 和 investing in the state’s infrastructure.
The Governor specifically thanked law enforcement officers, frontline workers still grappling with the p和emic, 和 everyone who helped with the resettlement of Afghan refugees.
The Governor touted the state’s fiscal management 和 budget outlook, 声明, “Sound fiscal management over time has become our state’s reputation.他列举了一些成就,比如连续9年平衡预算、AAA信用评级、3美元的债务上限.9B reserve, a $545M tax refund for Hoosiers,  an extra $1.自2017年以来,向教师养老基金投资了10亿美元,并削减了24%的州债务.
州长强调,该州的GDP增长在周边各州中排名第一. Indiana’s GDP has grown from $353B in 2017 to $415B now. 他还提到,印第安纳州的个人收入增长率和人口增长率在邻近各州中排名第一. Indiana ranks 6th in 这个国家 for inbound migration. The unemployment rate – 3% - is the lowest since 2000.
根据总督的说法, 过去四年是投资和就业承诺破纪录的一年. In 2021, the IEDC set all-time records in new capital investment ($8.70亿美元),新工资(1美元).8B)和新工作承诺(31,700).
州长霍尔科姆说:“越来越多的太阳能项目在我们州涌现 . . . 这些工业使印第安纳州成为过去被称为老锈带的闪亮的新扣.”
总督指出,创纪录的1美元.在下一个两年期,将有90亿美元的新资金投资于K-12教育, 和 the tuition support formula is being increased by 9%. In 2021, 85% of school corporations raised teacher salaries by an average of $1,800, 和 80% of schools will meet the goal of $40,新教师的工资是每年000美元.
美国能源部正在增加更多的途径项目和几个加速学习项目. 他还呼吁教育部在加强师资队伍和吸引多样化的教育工作者方面取得进展.
霍尔科姆州长谈到了劳动力准备和雇主培训补助金计划的成功. 超过52,000 Hoosiers have enrolled in the Workforce Ready program 和, 平均, 参保者的平均工资增加了6美元,800 /年. 41,000名印第安纳人参加了雇主培训计划,平均工资提高了4美元,000.
The Governor cited progress on public health, 比如降低婴儿死亡率, but recognized that there is still much work to be done. 他特别提到肥胖、吸烟和儿童免疫方面的排名非常低.
副州长致力于通过扩大获得服务的机会来解决印第安纳州的心理健康问题, 增加劳动力, 开通联邦自杀热线, 和 reducing the stigma of mental heath challenges.
霍尔科姆州长致力于建设21世纪的基础设施网络,将印第安纳州的居民联系起来, 这个国家, 这个世界. 该州将在未来30年投入600亿美元用于扩建和改善道路和桥梁, 州长特别提到了即将完成的I-69项目.
Nearly $420M has been committed to water infrastructure, 7.8亿美元已经投入到像新建国家档案馆这样的基建项目中, 监狱, 聋哑和盲人学校, 和 a new inn at Potato Creek State park.
The Governor gave a brief update on broadb和, 拨款近3.5亿美元用于向印第安纳州的每个人提供宽带服务. 他说,该州已经收到了超过6亿美元的宽带服务请求.